Monday, January 24, 2011

5 1/2 months!

How far along: 22 weeks!
Total weight gain: Not sure, last I knew it was 8 pounds but that was 2 weeks ago.
How big baby is: The length of a a spaghetti squash. Which I am pretty positive that our baby is bigger then this because the ultra sound tech said he measured 3 days a head and weighed one pound. The pregnancy thing I get every week said he is almost a pound.
Maternity clothes: I have five pairs of maternity pants and two maternity shirts.
Stretch Marks: My stretch marks are getting longer and darker! I have some new ones on the left and right sideby my belly button :(
Sleep: I sleep a lot, but it never feels like enough.
Best moment this week: Feeling him move like crazy these last two weeks. he moves so much. Nathan even felt him yesterday.
Worst moment this week: Just the usual pains. I am pretty sure he is kicking my uterus and ribs.
Movement: He moves a lot. (he is moving right now as i type this (:)
Food cravings: Nothing lately.
Belly Button (In or Out): IN still. But I don't think it will be for very much longer.
Labor Signs: None.
What I am looking forward to: SOOOO much!!!
What I miss: Being able to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night to pee!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

5 months!!

How far along: 20 weeks, 3 days.
Total weight gain: 8 pounds
How big baby is: The size of a banana! To me that still seems pretty small because when I'm 40 weeks he will be the size of a watermelon!
Maternity clothes: I have three pairs of maternity pants and two maternity shirts.
Stretch Marks: belly :( Like underneath my belly button where I can't see unless I pull up my stomach lol
Sleep: Pretty good, I toss and turn a lot.
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby on the ultra-sound and finding what we're having a boy!
Worst moment this week: Stomach pain :(
Movement: I feel him move a lot now! I love it!
Food cravings: Haven't really had any cravings lately, but sweets. But when I was first pregnant I craved anything from buffalo wings to Olive garden and KFC!
Belly Button (In or Out): Very IN!
Gender: It's a BOY! and we are really excited! (:
Labor Signs: None. Hopefully not for a while.
What I am looking forward to: Feeling him kick and my baby shower. Oh and of course meeting him!
What I miss: Being able to sleep on my stomach.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


As a lot of people already know we are having a....

About 20 mins. or so into the ultra-sound I see the baby's wee wee. The ultra-sound tech was measuring his legs and I saw it, I think I am the only one that did. but i said "I think I just saw a thingy" lol it was pretty funny. And then she checks and the baby is FOR SURE A boy. Nathan and I are very excited to be having a boy. I know a lot of people inculding myself wanted a girl, but honestly I am just as happy if not more happy that we are having a boy. After seeing him moving around and seeing his little face it sure changes a lot. It makes it more real. I even cried a few times. I sure love this baby. He measured 3 days a head, but my due date and everything is still the same. She also said that he weighed 12 oz! He sure is a growing boy. It's going to be crazy when he's 6 or 7 pounds. His heart beat was 142. But the ultra-sound tech measured all his body parts, looked at his heart and brain. And many other things and she said everything looks great. Which made us all happy to hear. For the past week or so I've been feeling him move around a lot. It's been pretty crazy how at first I would only feel him move around maybe once a day and now he's pretty active. During the ultra-sound he was moving around like crazy. He even waved at us. I just couldn't believe how active he was being. It sure made me happy/excited to see him moving around. My dad and Sheri were even in the room with us and I am sure they loved seeing him and being their with us.

Overall lately I've been feeling okay. I had a doctor apt. a few days ago and I've gained a total of 8 pounds so far. And we got to hear the heart beat and it was 145. All the blood work they did at my last apt. for down syndrome and some other things all came back good. Which was a relief.

We haven't fully decided on a name yet. We have a few in mind but nothing is for sure yet. I will let everyone know when we have a for sure name!

Here are some picture of our boy.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

This year we spent Christmas Eve with my family. We had a great time with my family. All of the babies got really spoiled this year, they got so many gifts it was crazy. It was wonderful to have everyone together since that doesn't happen very much. All the babies sat on Santa's lap (my dad) and none of them cried, just had weird face expressions like 'who the heck is this?' And Christmas day we went over to Nathans parents house and went and saw the movie Tran. We played some games and ate yummy food. We had a good time.
