Sunday, November 21, 2010

It seems like these cravings are never ending!!!

I've had so many cravings it's kind of getting out of hand. Even though I have only gained one pound so far it seems like all I ever want to do is eat. It's CRAZY! I've craved anything from Chuck E. Cheese's buffalo wings to subway, KFC, mashed potatoes, sweets, Olive Garden. I could just go on and on about all the FOOD I WANT. I've been eating as healthy as possible. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, I drink lots of water and milk. I haven't drank anything caffeinated. I haven't taken any meds., I've only taken Tylenol once. I go on a walk everyday. I want this baby to come out as healthy as possible! And I know I need to stay healthy for myself also. So far everything with this pregnancy has gone pretty smooth, besides the fact of how I've been feeling. And I know if I want this pregnancy to continue to go smooth I need to stay healthy! That is a fact. To me this baby already means so much to me, I know it sounds crazy, but for people that are parents know what I mean. It's like: this is my child, it has a heart beat, it's growing inside me and it's a PART of me and Nathan. I would already do anything for this baby. That's how much he/she means to me. I am pretty excited that tomorrow starts the first day of my second trimester. That means I am 13 weeks! Grow baby, grow!!! Now let's hope that I continue to feel better. This week I've been feeling A LOT better then the previous weeks so hopefully it only gets better with time! (:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Interviews, interviews, and more interviews.

Nathan has been bouncing from job to job for a few months now. He just can't seem to find anything that fits right and it's so frustrating! Over the last few months he has had many, many interviews and has got most of the jobs. Today he has two more interviews at Toy R Us and Macys. It would be awesome if he got one of these because he could just walk to them since we only have one car at the moment. AND if something ever happened to our one car then he wouldn't have to worry about taking the bus or anything. We are hoping that by Feb. he will be able to find something more stable. One: He needs to make more then 9.00 dollars an hour. Two: It needs to be something he enjoys at least a little. Three: It can be that far away from where we live... When he turns 21 there are a lot more opportunity's in the field of security. This is what he wants to do and he will make good money doing it, hopefully. So let's cross our fingers that something like this works out because we need to get out of this small apartment. Until then he will probably be bouncing from job to job which really sucks!

EDIT: Nathan got the job at Toys R Us. He's working 10pm to 6pm about 2-4 days a week. He's still working at Cableas about 3 days a week. But with all the holidays coming up he's getting a lot more hours which is good because we need to save, save, save!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

We have a lot to be thankful for.

All together this has been a pretty tough year for my family. It's been a long hard road for baby Jorden and it will be a never ending road for him, but he's a fighter. So much has happened this past year... Good and bad. But I am thankful for my family. They are my support system. I don't think I tell them enough how much I love them and how much they truly mean to me. I am pretty sure they know though, I hope. All I know is that if it wasn't for the unconditional love of my family & close friends that I wouldn't be who I am today. They have been there for me through everything and I couldn't have made it this far without them. I am just thankful that all my life I've had the support & love from my family because of know a lot of people aren't as lucky as I am. I am thankful that no matter what mistakes I do that they will be their for me and help me through it. God has blessed me with an amazing family and I thank him everyday for that. I am thankful that everyone is healthy and happy. I am thankful for an amazing husband. I am thankful for a roof over our heads and food in the fridge. I am thankful for all the memories. I am thankful for my nephews and niece that were born this year. I am just thankful for so much this year. And I don't think I could name everything cause it's an endless list. BUT I am really excited for Thanksgiving. I am really looking forward to eating turkey. YUM!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Since we found out we are going to have a baby, we've had two doctors appts. and one ultra sound. At our first doctors appt. we heard the babies heart beat, it was about 170-179 and when I heard it I almost starting crying! When I looked over at Nathan he had a huge smile on his face. Then next we had an ultra sound and it was so amazing. The baby (yes for the most part it looked like a baby) was moving around and it was just breath taking. The heart beat was about 163! We got three pictures of the baby and now they are hanging on our fridge. And then today I had another doctors appt. I got a full body exam and she said everything looks good and she told me that all my blood work was normal. Then finally I got to hear the heart beat again and it was about 170! I am so happy that everything so far has been going good. Nathan is hoping for a boy, but I know deep down inside he wants a girl. He said he thinks it's going to be a girl and he already has a name that he just loves. This is kind of feels unreal. I just can't believe there is a little baby growing inside my stomach. On Monday I will be 12 weeks and I feel super big already, I have a feeling I am going to have a big tummy. I can't wait to meet our little one! (: This is all just SOOO exciting!

Life has been crazy and exciting.

Our life lately..

As everyone knows we are excepting our first baby, due May 30th, 2011. Well since we found out about a month ago things have been VERY crazy. First our car breaks down, it turns out it was the fuel pump and then not long after we got it fixed our truck breaks down and they think it's the fuel pump. So FUNNY right? Nathan has also started a second job, even though it's only seasonal we are hoping it will become permanent. Hopefully in Jan. or Feb we can get a bigger place. Where we live right now there is no room for ANY baby stuff.

Anyway, things with my family have been hectic and I wish I was closer to them because I don't get to see them very often. Time has been going by so fast. Jorden is now 6 months old, my niece Madison is 5 1/2 months old and my nephew Rylan is a little over 2 months old. I am pretty excited that our baby will be about a year younger then he/she's cousins!

Here is Jorden!!



Aren't they just so cute?
