Friday, December 24, 2010

My husband!!!

Nathan is seriously the most amazing man I have ever met. The picture on the left was at least four years ago. You can tell by the way I am looking at him that I adored him. And I still do, probably more then I ever thought I could. Back when we first started dating in 2006 I would have never thought that we would be where we are today. We were both just 16 and we hardly even knew each other. For the first at least 2 years of our relationship we only saw each other once a week and only to go on a small date like a movie and lunch. It was really hard for me to be away from him. I fell so deep and I just wanted to be with him all the time. Now that I look back I think all the time we were a part just made us stronger and made our love deeper. When your away from someone you love so much, it really does test your love for each other. It really was tough and I know a lot of the time I wanted to just give up. But I never did and neither did he. I am so thankful that even though it was hard at first, well for a while, that at least I got to spend some time with him. Every time we would see each other it made me realize how much I truly loved him. He is such a great person, he has a kind heart. I know things might not be prefect right now either, but they aren't horrible. We are still young and have a long road a head. We just have to take it one day at time and do the best we can. I know that as long as we have each other that we can accomplish anything we want to. Not all good things come right away. Even today as I try to describe my feelings for him.. I just don't know how to say it. All I know is that I don't ever want to let go. I know we have something good, that no one else has. I know that I could never find anyone that is even close to him. I know that I wouldn't be happy, complete and just me if I didn't have him. I know that as long as we remember why we got married and why we are with each other then we can get through anything. When you love someone with your all heart and would do anything in this world for that person you know that you can you can accomplish whatever you want to.

Our growing baby!

Yes, I am PRETTY sure there is only ONE baby in there. I am excited that I am starting to show more and not look like I am just fat or something.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

baby movement!!

For the past week or so I've been feeling the baby move almost everyday now. Usually it's only in the mornings and it only last for a second. I can't wait till Nathan can feel the baby move!! I am just not looking forward to the baby kicking me all hours of the night and kicking my ribs and other body parts. It will be so worth it though.

Only three more weeks till we know if it's a boy or girl!

Friday, December 10, 2010

So excited!

I had a doctor appt. today. We heard the heart beat it was about 140. They also did the blood work for down syndrome and other sorts of stuff. Hoping and praying it comes back negative. So far I've gained 4 pounds, I thought for sure that I gained more then that. They also scheduled me for my 20 week ultra-sound. We will know if we are buying blue or pink on Jan. 11Th. How exciting! It seems so far away though. But the weeks have been going by so fast it's been crazy. I just want to know. I hate waiting around... It's so fun seeing what everyone wants the baby to be. Everyone has been guessing. It has truly been a blessing how supportive everyone has been being so far. We seriously couldn't have asked for better friends and family. When we find out the sex I will let everyone know. Promise. (:

Monday, December 6, 2010

2nd trimester!

I finally entered my second trimester and I was hoping that I was going to start feeling better. Everyone was telling me that I should. I actually feel worse and it sucks. But maybe with time as I get further along I will feel better. It's life though. And I can deal with this. It will all be worth it when I have a beautiful little baby in my arms. I just wish these headaches would not show up at my doorstep everyday and never leave. They are sure not welcome! I am pretty sure by the end of this pregnancy I am going to have the biggest hips known to man kind. On a better note though I feel 'fluttering' a lot more now. Sometimes it is just for a second, but sometimes like last week it happens for a while. And sometimes more then one or two times in a row. It feels so funny. Two weeks ago it felt like I was having a spasm, but in my stomach. Ever since then I haven't felt anything like that. It kind of freaked me out when it happened. lol. I can't wait till I feel the baby move and not just these flutters. Getting soooo close. (: Gosh this past month just flew by like no other. When it was Dec. 1st I was like; "Where did Nov. go?" It's crazy how fast time has gone by. Now I am hoping that it continues to go by fast, well, Dec. anyways. Now we only have 5 more weeks till we find out if we are going to be buying blue or pink. Honestly, I would be happy with either or. I am just excited to meet this baby.
